The term “cosplay” is a Japanese portmanteau that has it’s root in the English terms costume and role-play. Cosplay costumes vary greatly and can range from simple themed clothing to highly detailed costumes. It’s the cosplayer’s intention to replicate a specific character, rather than to reflect the culture and symbolism of a holiday event. When in costume, some cosplayers often seek to adopt the affect, mannerisms, and body language of the characters they portray (with “out of character” breaks). The characters chosen to be cosplayed may be sourced typically from any Japanese movie, TV series, book, comic book, video game, or music band anime and manga characters.
About Client & Task
Cosplay Event
World Cosplay Summit
Creative direction:
Shogunmaster Photography
Jeffrey Johnston
About Process:
Collection of shots taken from the various activities and stages at the World Cosplay Summit held in Nagoya at venues such as Oasis 21 (Sakae), Osu Kannon (Fushimi) and Aichi Performing Arts Center (Nagoya).
About Client & Task
Cosplay Event
Tokyo Game Show
Creative direction:
Shogunmaster Photography
Jeffrey Johnston
About Process:
Collection of shots taken from the various activities and stages around the Tokyo Game Show held at Makuhari Messe.
About Client & Task
Cosplay Event
Tokyo Comic Con
Creative direction:
Shogunmaster Photography
Jeffrey Johnston
About Process:
Collection of shots taken from the various activities and stages at Tokyo Comic Con of various Marvel/DC/Star Wars etc cosplayers.
About Client & Task
Pro Wrestling
Professional Wrestling
Creative direction:
Shogunmaster Photography
Jeffrey Johnston
About Process:
Collection of shots taken of Professional Wrestlers at various events and exhibitions in the ring.